You can use XLS price lists to place an order on our platform easily and quickly.
How to place an order?
Step 1
Log in and go to the tab XLS PRICE LISTS, which contains a list of price lists broken down by cosmetic brands. The list is arranged alphabetically.
Step 2
To download a price list, click on the selected brand. Next, open the file in a suitable program, e.g., Excel. If you see a message with a file format option, select UNICODE (UTF-8) in the "character set", and select SPLIT and SEMICOLON in the “separator options”.
Step 3
Save the completed price list with the order in CSV format, go to YOUR ACCOUNT and select the IMPORT ITEMS THROUGH CSV FILE tile.
Step 4
Click on CHOOSE FILE. From your computer, select the prepared CSV file with your order. After selecting the appropriate file, click ADD TO CART - the order from the price list will be imported to the cart.
You can import any number of price lists with orders into the cart. If you have any questions, please contact us by email or phone.